Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 26 - 5 Things in My Room I Value The Most

Well, since I'm 27 years old and have a house full of things I value, I'm changing this to House instead of Room.

1. My son. He's the reason I smile in the morning and smile when I go to bed. He makes me laugh constantly with his huge personality and gorgeous smile.

2. My engagement ring. Yes, it is worth a lot. But I most value what it stands for. Marc's love for me. His desire to spend the rest of his life with me.

3. Our dog. This damn dog drives me CRAZY but he is our first born son and we wouldn't be a family without him.

4. My dad's pictures. They're one of a kind and to me, priceless.

5. My pictures. They constantly remind me of great times I've had with my family and friends and our baby boy! :)

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